Housekeeping: Be Safe This Labo(u)r Day

Lukas Gojda/ Labor Day

For what I think is the third time this year, I find myself saying a holiday won’t be like the others. Pandemic life, sigh.

The last gasp of summer, at least socially speaking, is upon us. And once again, we need to be extra cautious because a dangerous virus is circulating. So be safe, wear your mask, and if you must gather, do it outdoors in small groups. That’s not me saying so — it’s the health experts.

With fall and flu season right around the corner, I, for one, would like to NOT see a spike in coronavirus cases the way we did after Memorial Day and the Fourth of July.

OK, doom, gloom, and lecturing aside, I wish you and yours a happy Labo(u)r Day. Get out for a drive, get some wrenching done, hit the track, give your car a wax. Whatever you choose to do, we will be back here for you on Tuesday at full bore. In the meantime, we’re going to log out early and take a well-deserved rest on Monday.

Big news to share next week, as well. You won’t want to miss it.

As usual, you’ll see some posts this afternoon and over the weekend, but for the most part, we’re trading the keyboard and mouse for grilled encased meats and adult beverages. See you Tuesday.

[Image: Lukas Gojda/]